We aim for our players to develop in different competitive levels. To achieve this, at BARÇA, we have the mission to challenge them with new and diverse enriching experiences. This includes internal matches that promote different contexts and stimuli, regular external competitions at a national level such as YFL, DOFA, and DFA Leagues. We also participate in major tournaments within the UAE like MINA CUP and ABU DHABI CUP.
In addition to these unique international experiences that allow them to interact with their teammates and coaches, explore new cultures and traditions while practicing the sport they love; we also take part in GCC CUP (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain), YOUTH ARAB CUP (Qatar), MARE NOSTRUM (Spain), and GOTHIA CUP (Sweden). Not forgetting the most important tournament of the season which is the BARÇA ACADEMY WORLD CUP in Barcelona.